
coach I admit I gave the white man the hemp

"I admit I gave the white man the hemp," he said. "I myself smoke it, suffering no ill. How was I to know that it would make him sleep?"
"Why did you give it to him?" demanded Sanders.
Bosambo looked the Commissioner full in the face.
"Last moon you came, lord, asking why I gave him the Isisi country and the rights of the little river, because these were not mine to give. Now you come to me saying why did I give the white man native tobacco--Lord, that was the only thing I gave him that was mine."
Chapter 5 The Special Commissioner
The Hon. George Tackle had the good fortune to be the son of his father; otherwise I am free to confess he had no claim to distinction. But his father, being the proprietor of the Courier and Echo (with which are incorporated I don't know how many dead and gone stars of the Fleet Street firmament), George had a "pull" which no amount of competitive merit could hope to contend with, and when the stories of atrocities in the district of Lukati began to leak out and questions were asked in Parliament, George opened his expensively-bound Gazetteer, discovered that the district of Lukati was in British territory, and instantly demanded that he should be sent out to investigate these crimes, which were a blot upon our boasted civilisation.
His father agreed, having altogether a false appreciation of his son's genius, and suggested that George should go to the office and "get all the facts" regarding the atrocities. George, with a good-natured smile of amusement at the bare thought of anybody instructing him in a subject on which he was so thoroughly conversant, promised; but the Courier and Echo office did not see him, and the librarian of the newspaper, who had prepared a really valuable dossier of newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, maps, and health hints for the young man's guidance, was dismayed to learn that the confident youth had sailed without any further instruction in the question than a man might secure from the hurried perusal of the scraps which from day to day appeared in the morning press.
As a special correspondent, I adduce, with ill-suppressed triumph, the case of the Hon. George Tackle as an awful warning to all newspaper proprietors who allow their parental affections to overcome their good judgment.
All that the Hon. George knew was that at Lukati there had been four well-authenticated cases of barbarous acts of cruelty against natives, and that the Commissioner of the district was responsible for the whippings and the torture. He thought, did the Hon. George, that this was all that it was necessary to know. But this is where he made his big mistake.
Up at Lukati all sorts of things happened, as Commissioner Sanders knows, to his cost. Once he visited the district and left it tranquil, and for Carter, his deputy, whom he left behind, the natives built a most beautiful hut, planting gardens about, all off their own bat.
One day, when Carter had just finished writing an enthusiastic report on the industry of his people, and the whole-hearted way they were taking up and supporting the new rgime, the chief of the village, whom Carter had facetiously named O'Leary (his born name was indeed Olari), came to him.


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She debated that question half the night, tossing from side to side. She could not sleep, and, rising before the dawn, slipped into her dressing gown and went to the window. The rain had ceased, the clouds had broken and stood in black bars against the silver light of dawn. She felt unaccountably hungry, and after a second's hesitation she opened the door and went down the broad stairs to the hall.
To reach the kitchen she had to pass her uncle's door, and she noticed that it was ajar. She thought possibly he had gone to bed and left the light on, and her hand was on the knob to investigate when she heard a voice and drew back hurriedly. It was the voice of Jasper Cole.
"I have been into the books very carefully with Mackensen, the accountant, and there seems no doubt," he said.
"You think--" demanded her uncle.
"I am certain," answered Jasper, in his even, passionless tone. "The fraud has been worked by Frank. He had access to the books. He was the only person who saw Rex Holland; he was the only official at the bank who could possibly falsify the entries and at the same time hide his trail."
The girl turned cold and for a moment swayed as though she would faint. She clutched the jamb of the door for support and waited.
"I am half inclined to your belief," said John Minute slowly. "It is awful to believe that Frank is a forger, as his father was--awful!"
"It is pretty ghastly," said Jasper's voice, "but it is true."
The girl flung open the door and stood in the doorway.
"It is a lie!" she cried wrathfully. "A horrible lie--and you know it is a lie, Jasper!"
Without another word, she turned, slamming the door behind her.
Chapter 9 Frank Merrill At The Altar
Frank Merrill stepped through the swing doors of the London and Western Counties Bank with a light heart and a smile in his eyes, and went straight to his chief's office.
"I shall want you to let me go out this afternoon for an hour," he said.
Brandon looked up wearily. He had not been without his sleepless moments, and the strain of the forgery and the audit which followed was telling heavily upon him. He nodded a silent agreement, and Frank went back to his desk, humming a tune.
He had every reason to be happy, for in his pocket was the special license which, for a consideration, had been granted to him, and which empowered him to marry the girl whose amazing telegram had arrived that morning while he was at breakfast. It had contained only four words:

Marry you to-day. MAY.

He could not guess what extraordinary circumstances had induced her to take so definite a view, but he was a very contented and happy young man.
She was to arrive in London soon after twelve, and he had arranged to meet her at the station and take her to lunch. Perhaps then she would explain the reason for her action. He numbered among his acquaintances the rector of a suburban church, who had agreed to perform the ceremony and to provide the necessary witnesses.
It was a beaming young man that met the girl, but the smile left his face when he saw how wan and haggard she was.

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And without another word he doffed his hat, saluted her, and vanished down the hillside.
She remained; remained so long that it was nearly nine when she entered the family parlour. As she came in her mother looked up and was startled at her unaccustomed pallor.
“Why, Agnes,” cried her mother, “what is the matter?”
Her answer was inaudible. What was the matter? She dreaded, even feared, to ask herself.
Meantime a strange scene was taking place in the woods toward which she had seen Frederick go. The moon, which was particularly bright that night, shone upon a certain hollow where a huge tree lay. Around it the underbrush was thick and the shadow dark, but in this especial place the opening was large enough for the rays to enter freely. Into this circlet of light Frederick Sutherland had come. Alone and without the restraint imposed upon him by watching eyes, he showed a countenance so wan and full of trouble that it was well it could not be seen by either of the two women whose thoughts were at that moment fixed upon him. To Amabel it would have given a throb of selfish hope, while to Agnes it would have brought a pang of despair which might have somewhat too suddenly interpreted to her the mystery of her own sensations.
He had bent at once to the hollow space made by the outspreading roots just mentioned, and was feeling with an air of confidence along the ground for something he had every reason to expect to find, when the shock of a sudden distrust seized him, and he flung himself down in terror, feeling and feeling again among the fallen leaves and broken twigs, till a full realisation of his misfortune reached him, and he was obliged to acknowledge that the place was empty.
Overwhelmed at his loss, aghast at the consequences it must entail upon him, he rose in a trembling sweat, crying out in his anger and dismay:
“She has been here! She has taken it!” And realising for the first time the subtlety and strength of the antagonist pitted against him, he forgot his new resolutions and even that old promise made in his childhood to Agatha Webb, and uttered oath after oath, cursing himself, the woman, and what she had done, till a casual glance at the heavens overhead, in which the liquid moon hung calm and beautiful, recalled him to himself. With a sense of shame, the keener that it was a new sensation in his breast, he ceased his vain repinings, and turning from the unhallowed spot, made his way with deeper and deeper misgivings toward a home made hateful to him now by the presence of the woman who was thus bent upon his ruin.
He understood her now. He rated at its full value both her determination and her power, and had she been so unfortunate as to have carried her imprudence to the point of surprising him by her presence, it would have taken more than the memory of that day’s solemn resolves to have kept him from using his strength against her. But she was wise, and did not intrude upon him in his hour of anger, though who could say she was not near enough to hear the sigh which broke irresistibly from his lips as he emerged from the wood and approached his father’s house?

LV Outlet The shock of recognizing that monstrous slime and headlessness had frozen us into mute

The shock of recognizing that monstrous slime and headlessness had frozen us into mute, motionless statues, and it is only through later conversations that we have learned of the complete identity of our thoughts at that moment. It seemed aeons that we stood there, but actually it could not have been more than ten or fifteen seconds. That hateful, pallid mist curled forward as if veritably driven by some remoter advancing bulk — and then came a sound which upset much of what we had just decided, and in so doing broke the spell and enabled us to run like mad past squawking, confused penguins over our former trail back to the city, along ice-sunken megalithic corridors to the great open circle, and up that archaic spiral ramp in a frenzied, automatic plunge for the sane outer air and light of day.
The new sound, as I have intimated, upset much that we had decided; because it was what poor Lake’s dissection had led us to attribute to those we had judged dead. It was, Danforth later told me, precisely what he had caught in infinitely muffled form when at that spot beyond the alley corner above the glacial level; and it certainly had a shocking resemblance to the wind pipings we had both heard around the lofty mountain caves. At the risk of seeming puerile I will add another thing, too, if only because of the surprising way Danforth’s impressions chimed with mine. Of course common reading is what prepared us both to make the interpretation, though Danforth has hinted at queer notions about unsuspected and forbidden sources to which Poe may have had access when writing his Arthur Gordon Pym a century ago. It will be remembered that in that fantastic tale there is a word of unknown but terrible and prodigious significance connected with the antarctic and screamed eternally by the gigantic spectrally snowy birds of that malign region’s core. “Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!” That, I may admit, is exactly what we thought we heard conveyed by that sudden sound behind the advancing white mist — that insidious musical piping over a singularly wide range.
We were in full flight before three notes or syllables had been uttered, though we knew that the swiftness of the Old Ones would enable any scream-roused and pursuing survivor of the slaughter to overtake us in a moment if it really wished to do so. We had a vague hope, however, that nonaggressive conduct and a display of kindred reason might cause such a being to spare us in case of capture, if only from scientific curiosity. After all, if such an one had nothing to fear for itself, it would have no motive in harming us. Concealment being futile at this juncture, we used our torch for a running glance behind, and perceived that the mist was thinning. Would we see, at last, a complete and living specimen of those others? Again came that insidious musical piping —“Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!” Then, noting that we were actually gaining on our pursuer, it occurred to us that the entity might be wounded. We could take no chances, however, since it was very obviously approaching in answer to Danforth’s scream, rather than in flight from any other entity. The timing was too close to admit of doubt. Of the whereabouts of that less conceivable and less mentionable nightmare — that fetid, unglimpsed mountain of slime-spewing protoplasm whose race had conquered the abyss and sent land pioneers to recarve and squirm through the burrows of the hills — we could form no guess; and it cost us a genuine pang to leave this probably crippled Old One — perhaps a lone survivor — to the peril of recapture and a nameless fate.

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"I don't think there is any better way," said Rand, with which the others agreed, and thanking him for his offer, the Uncas boys, now thoroughly alarmed, set out again upon the search.
It was 5 o'clock when they got back to Creston, searching on the way, and Pepper had not returned, or trace of him found.
"What shall we do next?" asked Jack, as they stood undecided in the road.
"What is it now?" asked Colonel Snow, who had come up unperceived.
"We can't find Pepper," answered the boys.
"What is it," went on the colonel, "a game of hide and seek?"
"No, sir," responded Rand; "he went over to Highpoint this morning with a message; I mean he started for Highpoint, but he hasn't been there and he hasn't come back. We are afraid he is lost."
"Lost!" exclaimed the colonel. "How could that be."
"We don't know," answered Jack; "but we have hunted all over for him, and he isn't anywhere about."
"All over?" said the colonel. "He couldn't very well be all over at once, could he? But, come along, and we will see if we can't find him. Which way did he go?"
"On the upper road," answered Rand; "but we have been all along that."
"Well, we'll see if we can't pick up his trail," went on the colonel at once, leading off at a rapid pace. "Did any of you pick it up?"
"There are lots of tracks," replied Rand, "but I did not pick his out."
"Some who are expert, you know, can read tracks as readily as you read the paper. These look much alike, but we will follow them up and see if any diverge or break away from the road."
Walking rapidly along the road the colonel indicated one he thought might be Pepper's track, which the boys followed, with some success, after it had been pointed out until, all at once, the marks indicated that the person had come to a sudden stop and had turned aside.
"He left the road here for some reason," decided the colonel, "or the one who made the trail did. He went through here, you can see how these bushes have been thrust aside."
"I do now," replied Rand, "but I wouldn't have noticed it myself."
"Did he have a dog with him?" continued the colonel, following the trail through the woods.
"No," answered Rand.
"Probably the dog came from the other direction. Looks as if Pepper was trying to get away from the dog. They were both in a hurry. It stops here; he must have taken to a tree."
"Pepper!" he shouted, "where are you?"
But neither his calls nor those of the boys brought any response.
"He isn't here," went on the colonel; "but there has been a disturbance of some kind. There are dog's tracks all around as if the animal had struggled with something, but no footprints. There is the track of a snake, too."
"A snake!" cried Jack, in alarm. "Do you think it could have bitten him?"
"No," said the colonel, "if he had been bitten we would still have his trail. He seems to have vanished into the air."
"I don't see how he could do that," declared Don.
"Neither do I," replied the colonel. "Spread out around the tree and see if you can find where he came down."
But a thorough search failed to reveal, to the investigators, any trace.


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“I rang for the lights.”
“You didn’t want the lights.”
“It was time,” she whispered secretly.
Somewhere within the house a door slammed. I got away from her feeling small and weak as if the best part of me had been torn away and irretrievably lost. Rose must have been somewhere near the door.
“It’s abominable,” I murmured to the still, idol-like shadow on the couch.
The answer was a hurried, nervous whisper: “I tell you it was time. I rang because I had no strength to push you away.”
I suffered a moment of giddiness before the door opened, light streamed in, and Rose entered, preceding a man in a green baize apron whom I had never seen, carrying on an enormous tray three Argand lamps fitted into vases of Pompeiian form. Rose distributed them over the room. In the flood of soft light the winged youths and the butterfly women reappeared on the panels, affected, gorgeous, callously unconscious of anything having happened during their absence. Rose attended to the lamp on the nearest mantelpiece, then turned about and asked in a confident undertone.
“Monsieur dine?”
I had lost myself with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands, but I heard the words distinctly. I heard also the silence which ensued. I sat up and took the responsibility of the answer on myself.
“Impossible. I am going to sea this evening.”
This was perfectly true only I had totally forgotten it till then. For the last two days my being was no longer composed of memories but exclusively of sensations of the most absorbing, disturbing, exhausting nature. I was like a man who has been buffeted by the sea or by a mob till he loses all hold on the world in the misery of his helplessness. But now I was recovering. And naturally the first thing I remembered was the fact that I was going to sea.
“You have heard, Rose,” Dona Rita said at last with some impatience.
The girl waited a moment longer before she said:
“Oh, yes! There is a man waiting for Monsieur in the hall. A seaman.”
It could be no one but Dominic. It dawned upon me that since the evening of our return I had not been near him or the ship, which was completely unusual, unheard of, and well calculated to startle Dominic.
“I have seen him before,” continued Rose, “and as he told me he has been pursuing Monsieur all the afternoon and didn’t like to go away without seeing Monsieur for a moment, I proposed to him to wait in the hall till Monsieur was at liberty.”
I said: “Very well,” and with a sudden resumption of her extremely busy, not-a-moment-to-lose manner Rose departed from the room. I lingered in an imaginary world full of tender light, of unheard-of colours, with a mad riot of flowers and an inconceivable happiness under the sky arched above its yawning precipices, while a feeling of awe enveloped me like its own proper atmosphere. But everything vanished at the sound of Dona Rita’s loud whisper full of boundless dismay, such as to make one’s hair stir on one’s head.
“Mon Dieu! And what is going to happen now?”
She got down from the couch and walked to a window. When the lights had been brought into the room all the panes had turned inky black; for the night had come and the garden was full of tall bushes and trees screening off the gas lamps of the main alley of the Prado. Whatever the question meant she was not likely to see an answer to it outside. But her whisper had offended me, had hurt something infinitely deep, infinitely subtle and infinitely clear-eyed in my nature. I said after her from the couch on which I had remained, “Don’t lose your composure. You will always have some sort of bell at hand.”

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In the first rank of the believers in the supernatural in the Dochart pit figured Jack Ryan, Harry's friend. He was the great partisan of all these superstitions. All these wild stories were turned by him into songs, which earned him great applause in the winter evenings.
But Jack Ryan was not alone in his belief. His comrades affirmed, no less strongly, that the Aberfoyle pits were haunted, and that certain strange beings were seen there frequently, just as in the Highlands. To hear them talk, it would have been more extraordinary if nothing of the kind appeared. Could there indeed be a better place than a dark and deep coal mine for the freaks of fairies, elves, goblins, and other actors in the fantastical dramas? The scenery was all ready, why should not the supernatural personages come there to play their parts?
So reasoned Jack Ryan and his comrades in the Aberfoyle mines. We have said that the different pits communicated with each other by means of long subterranean galleries. Thus there existed beneath the county of Stirling a vast tract, full of burrows, tunnels, bored with caves, and perforated with shafts, a subterranean labyrinth, which might be compared to an enormous ant-hill.
Miners, though belonging to different pits, often met, when going to or returning from their work. Consequently there was a constant opportunity of exchanging talk, and circulating the stories which had their origin in the mine, from one pit to another. These accounts were transmitted with marvelous rapidity, passing from mouth to mouth, and gaining in wonder as they went.
Two men, however, better educated and with more practical minds than the rest, had always resisted this temptation. They in no degree believed in the intervention of spirits, elves, or goblins. These two were Simon Ford and his son. And they proved it by continuing to inhabit the dismal crypt, after the desertion of the Dochart pit. Perhaps good Madge, like every Highland woman, had some leaning towards the supernatural. But she had to repeat all these stories to herself, and so she did, most conscientiously, so as not to let the old traditions be lost.
Even had Simon and Harry Ford been as credulous as their companions, they would not have abandoned the mine to the imps and fairies. For ten years, without missing a single day, obstinate and immovable in their convictions, the father and son took their picks, their sticks, and their lamps. They went about searching, sounding the rock with a sharp blow, listening if it would return a favor-able sound. So long as the soundings had not been pushed to the granite of the primary formation, the Fords were agreed that the search, unsuccessful to-day, might succeed to-morrow, and that it ought to be resumed. They spent their whole life in endeavoring to bring Aberfoyle back to its former prosperity. If the father died before the hour of success, the son was to go on with the task alone.
It was during these excursions that Harry was more particularly struck by certain phenomena, which he vainly sought to explain. Several times, while walking along some narrow cross-alley, he seemed to hear sounds similar to those which would be produced by violent blows of a pickax against the wall.


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This new and degenerate work was coarse, bold, and wholly lacking in delicacy of detail. It was countersunk with exaggerated depth in bands following the same general line as the sparse cartouches of the earlier sections, but the height of the reliefs did not reach the level of the general surface. Danforth had the idea that it was a second carving — a sort of palimpsest formed after the obliteration of a previous design. In nature it was wholly decorative and conventional, and consisted of crude spirals and angles roughly following the quintile mathematical tradition of the Old Ones, yet seemingly more like a parody than a perpetuation of that tradition. We could not get it out of our minds that some subtly but profoundly alien element had been added to the aesthetic feeling behind the technique — an alien element, Danforth guessed, that was responsible for the laborious substitution. It was like, yet disturbingly unlike, what we had come to recognize as the Old Ones’ art; and I was persistently reminded of such hybrid things as the ungainly Palmyrene sculptures fashioned in the Roman manner. That others had recently noticed this belt of carving was hinted by the presence of a used flashlight battery on the floor in front of one of the most characteristic cartouches.
Since we could not afford to spend any considerable time in study, we resumed our advance after a cursory look; though frequently casting beams over the walls to see if any further decorative changes developed. Nothing of the sort was perceived, though the carvings were in places rather sparse because of the numerous mouths of smooth-floored lateral tunnels. We saw and heard fewer penguins, but thought we caught a vague suspicion of an infinitely distant chorus of them somewhere deep within the earth. The new and inexplicable odor was abominably strong, and we could detect scarcely a sign of that other nameless scent. Puffs of visible vapor ahead bespoke increasing contrasts in temperature, and the relative nearness of the sunless sea cliffs of the great abyss. Then, quite unexpectedly, we saw certain obstructions on the polished floor ahead — obstructions which were quite definitely not penguins — and turned on our second torch after making sure that the objects were quite stationary.
Chapter 11
Still another time have I come to a place where it is very difficult to proceed. I ought to be hardened by this stage; but there are some experiences and intimations which scar too deeply to permit of healing, and leave only such an added sensitiveness that memory reinspires all the original horror. We saw, as I have said, certain obstructions on the polished floor ahead; and I may add that our nostrils were assailed almost simultaneously by a very curious intensification of the strange prevailing fetor, now quite plainly mixed with the nameless stench of those others which had gone before. The light of the second torch left no doubt of what the obstructions were, and we dared approach them only because we could see, even from a distance, that they were quite as past all harming power as had been the six similar specimens unearthed from the monstrous star-mounded graves at poor Lake’s camp.

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This little island, guarded at every entrance, is Shameen, or Sandy Face, the land set aside for the habitation of Europeans. An unchangeable law prohibits Celestials from crossing into this sacred precinct, because of the hatred they cherish for Europeans. Shameen is green and picturesque, with handsome houses of Oriental design, and grand shade trees, and wide, velvety green roads, broken only by a single path, made by the bare feet of the chair-carriers.
Here, for the first time since leaving New York, I saw the stars and stripes. It was floating over the gateway to the American Consulate. It is a strange fact that the further one goes from home the more loyal one becomes. I felt I was a long ways off from my own dear land; it was Christmas day, and I had seen many different flags since last I gazed upon our own. The moment I saw it floating there in the soft, lazy breeze I took off my cap and said: “That is the most beautiful flag in the world, and I am ready to whip anyone who says it isn’t.”
No one said a word. Everybody was afraid! I saw an Englishman in the party glance furtively towards the Union Jack, which was floating over the English Consulate, but in a hesitating manner, as if he feared to let me see.
Consul Seymour received our little party with a cheery welcome. He was anxious that we should partake of his hospitality, but we assured him our limited time only gave us a moment to pay our respects, and then we must be off again.
Mr. Seymour was an editor before he went to China with his wife and only daughter, to be consul. Since then he has conceived a hobby for embroideries and carved ivories, which he is able to ride to the top of his bent in Canton. When tourists go there he always knows some place where he can guide them to bargains. Mr. Seymour is a most pleasant, agreeable man, and a general favorite. It is to be hoped that he will long have a residence in Shameen, where he reflects credit upon the American Consulate.
What a different picture Canton presents to Shameen. They say there are millions of people in Canton. The streets, many of which are roughly paved with stone, seem little over a yard in width. The shops, with their gayly colored and handsomely carved signs, are all open, as if the whole end facing the street had been blown out. In the rear of every shop is an altar, gay in color and often expensive in adornment. As we were carried along the roads we could see not only the usually rich and enticing wares, but the sellers and buyers. Every shop has a book-keeper’s desk near the entrance. The book-keepers all wear tortoise-shell rimmed glasses of an enormous size, which lend them a look of tremendous wisdom. I was inclined to think the glasses were a mark of office, for I never saw a man employed in clerical work without them.
I was warned not to be surprised if the Chinamen should stone me while I was in Canton. I was told that Chinese women usually spat in the faces of female tourists when the opportunity offered. However, I had no trouble. The Chinese are not pleasant appearing people; they usually look as if life had given them nothing but trouble; but as we were carried along the men in the stores would rush out to look at me. They did not take any interest in the men with me, but gazed at me as if I was something new. They showed no sign of animosity, but the few women I met looked as curiously at me, and less kindly.

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Chapter 3 Southampton to Jules Verne’s
“M R. & MRS. JULES VERNE have sent a special letter asking that if possible you will stop to see them,” the London correspondent said to me, as we were on our way to the wharf.
“Oh, how I should like to see them!” I exclaimed, adding in the same breath, “Isn’t it hard to be forced to decline such a treat?”
“If you are willing to go without sleep and rest for two nights, I think it can be done,” he said quietly.
“Safely? Without making me miss any connections? If so, don’t think about sleep or rest.”
“It depends on our getting a train out of here to-night. All the regular trains until morning have left, and unless they decide to run a special mail train for the delayed mails, we will have to stay here all night and that will not give us time to see Verne. We shall see when we land what they will decide to do.”
The boat that was landing us left much to be desired in the way of comfort. The only cabin seemed to be the hull, but it was filled with mail and baggage and lighted by a lamp with a smoked globe. I did not see any place to sit down, so we all stood on deck, shivering in the damp, chilly air, and looking in the gray fog like uneasy spirits.
The dreary, dilapidated wharf was a fit landing place for the antique boat. I silently followed the correspondent into a large empty shed, where a few men with sleep in their eyes and uniforms that bore ample testimony to the fact that they had slept in their clothes, were stationed behind some long, low tables.
“Where are your keys?” the correspondent asked me as he sat my solitary bag down before one of these weary looking inspectors.
“It is too full to lock,” I answered simply.
“Will you swear that you have no tobacco or tea?” the inspector asked my escort lazily.
“Don’t swear,” I said to him; then turning to the inspector I added: “It’s my bag.”
He smiled and putting a chalk mark upon the bag freed us.
“Declare your tobacco and tea or tip the man,” I said teazingly to a passenger who stood with poor, thin, shaking “Homie” under one arm, searching frantically through his pockets for his keys.
“I’ve fixed him!” he answered with an expressive wink.
Passing through the custom house we were made happy by the information that it had been decided to attach a passenger coach to the special mail train to oblige the passengers who wished to go to London without delay. The train was made up then, so we concluded to get into our car and try to warm up.
A porter took my bag and another man in uniform drew forth an enormous key with which he unlocked the door in the side of the car instead of the end, as in America. I managed to compass the uncomfortable long step to the door and striking my toe against some projection in the floor, went most ungracefully and unceremoniously on to the seat.
My escort after giving some order to the porter went out to see about my ticket, so I took a survey of an English railway compartment. The little square in which I sat looked like a hotel omnibus and was about as comfortable. The two red leather seats in it run across the car, one backing the engine, the other backing the rear of the train. There was a door on either side and one could hardly have told that there was a dingy lamp there to cast a light on the scene had not the odor from it been so loud. I carefully lifted the rug that covered the thing I had fallen over, curious to see what could be so necessary to an English railway carriage as to occupy such a prominent position. I found a harmless object that looked like a bar of iron and had just dropped the rug in place when the door opened and the porter, catching the iron at one end, pulled it out, replacing it with another like it in shape and size.


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Avoiding Common Snowboarding Injuries

Snowboarding is a fun sport to undertake but it has its risks that you need to be aware of. Nothing would suck more that returning from a snowboarding trip with a broken leg or sprained wrist. There are a number of broad safety measures you can follow to diminish your danger of a snowboarding injury that we will discuss.

Make sure you're in shape to ski. Organize for your winter sports trip with a training programmed to progress core stability and muscle. Endurance and leg strength is predominantly vital to lend a hand in preventing injuries.

Wear suitable layers of clothing, that don't confine your movement. You do not want to be all bulked up and unable to move freely. If you cannot move then you cannot snowboard properly and the entire thrill aspect is gone.

Just like any other sporting activity, warm up and cool down. Before you hit the slopes take some time warming up and stretching to help train your body for action.

The top injury that a majority of the snowboarders receive is a wrist injury. Falls are more frequent during snowboarding. The natural response to a fall is to stretch out a hand to break the fall, and falls tend to occur more often in beginners. For this reason Colles fractures Scaphoid and fractures of the wrist are a relatively common feature, with around 100,000 wrist fractures worldwide among snowboarders each year. Snowboarders should wear wrist guards as they significantly reduce the incidence of wrist injuries during falls. Another common injury is head injuries which can lead to serious conclusions. Helmets are effective in reducing the incidence of minor concussions during low velocity collisions. Be sure to grab both of these when you do your shopping for snowboarding.

You may think this will save you money, but in the end it may cost u thousands in hospital bills. Don't borrow equipment from friends; it significantly increases your risk of injury. If you are hiring equipment make sure you hire from a recommended store. Ensure that all the equipment fits properly. This will help avoid serious injuries and unnecessary falls due to non fitting equipment.

Another good tip is Use 'multi-mode' release bindings if possible. The superior release available in modern bindings is just one factor that has helped prevent injuries. Rear release boots can significantly reduce the risk of ACL injury.

Self-test your bindings every day. Self testing of bindings is simple. Step into the binding and then twist to the side to release the toe-piece under the control mechanism. The heel can be tested by stepping into the binding and leaning forward, to release the heel-piece. Both the toe and heel should be able to release if properly adjusted.

The Final Suggestion is to follow the FIS Rules for Conduct in Winter Sports.

1. Respect for others
A skier or snowboarder must behave in such a way that he does not endanger or prejudice others.
2. Control of speed and skiing or snowboarding

A skier or snowboarder must move in control. He must adapt his speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic.


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Scrapbooking can be a splendid way to share the memories of your family tree and acquaintances by taking benefit of a creative standard and organizing them in a lovely way. For many of us, the conundrum is getting methodical in the initially place!

A autograph album is like a photo baby book on crack (or steroids, if you rather to energy with something a reduced amount of illegal. Or Red Bull, if a reduced amount of illicit). With a autograph album, you're not restricted to photos; whatever thing you be inflicted with with the intention of you aspire to save and/or spectacle, as long as it will fit practically, can be built-in. All of your favorite knicknacks, trinkets, and other memorabilia can get on to splendid additions to a autograph album.

1. You Need Help (Or Could Use Some)
It might take hours to energy through the items you aspire to include, but this can be lone of the generally fun parts of the process. You can get on to it even more fun if you deal with to win over your noteworthy other, partner, parents or kids to help you.

2. Theme It!
The then step in scrapbooking (or "scrapping," as approximately like to call it) is to design a theme or describe - here may possibly be a chronic theme right through the tome with a uncommon describe pro all leaf, or you may possibly theme each extra leaf independently of the others - the beauty is with the intention of it's completely up to you. Your theme can be as unadorned or as involved as you aspire it, but remember not to be overzealous; a reduced amount of is more in many suitcases.

3. Use Your Tools
Grab whatever thing and everything you can think of with the intention of might be of help. Odd shapes get on to skilled stencils or borders, and tiresome several types of adhesives and prose rigging will allow you to make the preeminent results with your equipment. You can by no means be inflicted with too much painted paper, either!

4. Get A Second Opinion
This isn't health check preparation 101, I'm discussion in this area in fact asking pro input from your acquaintances on could you repeat that? They think. It's tricky now and again to be inflicted with tough skin and deal with one critiques or evaluation someone might be inflicted with, but I'm wretched to say with the intention of it's part of being a designer! The visual appeal you are tiresome to create can permanently benefit from a following fit of eyes, thumbs down topic could you repeat that? The attention.

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Eric Johnson, former cast member of the series Smallville, will continue his attempt to become a heroic icon with his latest venture with SciFi. The American cable television channel specializing in fantasy and paranormal programming is cooking up a new series, Flash Gordon, for which Johnson will be playing the title character.

Johnson, a 27-year old native of Edmonton, Alberta, played the character Whitney Forman on the first season of Smallville, and made guest appearances on season two and season four. He played a quarterback of the Smallville High School football team and Lana Lang抯 boyfriend. Prior to his inclusion on Smallville, he worked in movies like Legends of the Fall, Heart of the Sun, Night Man, Road to Saddle River, Bear with Me, and Children of Fortune.

Flash Gordon, for those who are not familiar, is a science fiction character originally from the 1930s comic strip drawn by Alex Raymond. The comic strip eventually evolved into a movie, as well as a television series. Now, the SciFi channel will take a shot in reviving the heroic character through the acting expertise of Johnson.

Flash Gordon is actually just one of the network抯 forthcoming shows. During last year抯 broadcast of its show The Lost Room, the network made public of what was to come in 2007. Apart from Flash Gordon, the network will also feature a new series Painkiller Jane, also a comic book heroine, as well as new episodes of Battlestar Galactica and The Dresden Files.

The said show, which is scheduled for broadcast in August 2007, will consist of 22 one-hour episodes. Peter Hume, Charmed producer, will write the first two installments, and will work with Ric Rosthenal, who serves as the director. Produced by Robert Halmi Sr. and Robert Halmi Jr., Flash Gordon will include Dr. Hans Zarkov, Dale Arden and Ming, though the actors playing these characters are yet to be cast and revealed.


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If supercross motorcycle racing sounds like an interesting sport, you are advised to watch it. Although reading about it in print may seem interesting enough, there is nothing like seeing a supercross motorcycle race in action. Whether you attend a professional race, a local amateur race, or just watch a race on television, you are sure to become a lifelong fan of the sport.


Word Count 676

cheap lv handbags sale informations on the back of the print you want to offer

informations on the back of the print you want to offer.

* Always use stiff cardboard between the prints you are mailing
to protect them, and make a neat package.

* Use kraft envelopes and always write "please don't bend" with a
red felt on the envelope to avoid any improper handling of your

* As you cannot expect to sell all the pictures you submit,
include a self-addressed return envelope with enough postage, so
the ones rejected can be mailed back to you.

* It is not necessary to send a letter with the pictures as it
will not help to sell the pictures.

* Make sure to obtain written consent from anyone whose picture
you have taken and intend to sell. You can obtain the standard
forms called "Model Release" in many photo shops, and when you
send your picture to the editor, enclose a copy of the release
with them.

Do not offer the same picture to more than one publication at the
same time, but if your pictures are rejected by one magazine send
them to other publications.

Many amateurs are making money in this little known field. You
will be able to do the same by following the simple advices
outlined in this report.


coach Some party plan merchandisers also run small classified ads in the area newspapers

Some party plan merchandisers also run small classified ads in the area newspapers. This advertising plays up to the opportunities available to make regular commission checks (extra income) simply by holding parties in their home. people interested are invited to phone for more details. response to this kind of ad is generally very good, with the conversion rate better than sixty percent!

Most people tend to feel party plan merchandising is exclusive to women, but don't you believe it! It's true that women generally establish themselves more rapidly than men with this kind of sales operation, but over the long haul there are just as many men operating successful party plan sales operations as there are women.

Men are usually not as adept in establishing social "chit-chat" relationships as women. Therefore, the man who wants in on the vast potential of party plan merchandising should consider working with a women.

A husband and wife partnership is an ideal working arrangement. An acquaintance, girlfriend or relative will often work out just as successfully. The basic requirement is simply that the "couple" must function as a team, with the individual talents of one complementing those of the other.

Probably one of the greatest secrets of success with this kind of sales operation is that in order to make the sales, and talk about $400 parties, you must have the widest selection of merchandise possible.

Many beginners, not understanding that offering the potential buyers a wide and varied selection of items to choose from is what builds your profits in a hurry, base their entire merchandising plan around a selection that's of special interest or particularly appealing to themselves It's all right to include the items that you especially like, but don't base your entire merchandise line on the things you like you're selling to others not yourself!

Most successful party plan merchandisers advise that you should display at least forty different items, and more if you have the supplier contacts or the buying expertise. The actual decisions on which products to carry and display at your parties should be based upon these four factors: 1) The kinds of gift items, personal decor articles and general merchandise the people in your area are buying; 2) The style or fads currently in vogue in your area; 3) Contacts with enough suppliers who can furnish you with the kind of merchandise your potential buyers want; 4) Your ability to shop among the various suppliers, and verify that you are getting the very best merchandise value obtainable.

Still another point to consider before buying merchandise to display and sell; Do the prices you're having to pay for your products wholesale allow you enough room for a reasonable profit when compared to your time and expense?

Do some market research relative to your ambitions; get answers to the questions we've set forth for you, and when you're satisfied that you understand the workings of Party Plan Merchandising, grab the opportunity and run with it!

Discount Louis Vuitton tattoos have been since ever a sign for some meaning that was linked with it

tattoos have been since ever a sign for some meaning that was linked with it. The meaning of tattoos can be of spiritual nature but can also be a sign of strength or power, harmony and other qualities.

This is a list of the most popular tattoo designs and their meanings:

Anchor tattoo meaning: Safety, hope and salvation.

Angel tattoo meaning: Protection, guardians, keepers of dreams

Bat tattoo meaning: Longevity, happiness, mystery.

Bear tattoo meaning: Good nature, good luck, also ignorance.

Bird tattoo meaning: Birth, intuition, freedom.

Bull tattoo meaning: Fertility, power and strength.

Butterfly tattoo meaning: Spiritual immortality, temporary element of life.

Cat tattoo meaning: Linked to magic and bad omens.

Centaur tattoo meaning: Knowledge and nature, spirit of womanhood.

Chain tattoo meaning: If broken - freedom. If intact-slavery.

Clown tattoo meaning: Laughter, tears, uncertainties.

Clover tattoo meaning: Good luck.

Crescent moon tattoo meaning: Transformation and rebirth. Feminine power

Cross tattoo meaning: Sacrifice, love and salvation.

Crow tattoo meaning: Revival, Gods messenger.

Devil(baby)tattoo meaning: Mischievousness, urgent desire for sex.

Dog tattoo meaning: Man's best friend, loyalty, trustworthiness.

Dolphin tattoo meaning: Benefactor. The saviour's emblem.

Dove tattoo meaning: Universal symbol of peace.

Dragon tattoo meaning: Strength, power. Rules over fire and air.

Dragonfly tattoo meaning: Affinity with the Spiritual Life. Illusion.

Eagle tattoo meaning: King of birds. Might, spiritual growth.

Eye tattoo meaning: Self protection. Ever watching!

Fairy tattoo meaning: Good or evil supernatural powers.

Feather tattoo meaning: Creativity, rebirth and spiritual elevation.

Fish tattoo meaning: Plentifulness, spiritual peace.

Frog tattoo meaning: Positive symbol of pregnancy.

Hawk tattoo(tribal) meaning: Self-discipline.

Heart tattoo meaning: Love, provided it is neither bloody nor torn into pieces.

Horse tattoo meaning: Friend to man, kingship.

Leaf tattoo meaning: Joy, rebirth

Lion tattoo meaning: Might, awareness, immortality, bravery.

Lizard tattoo meaning: Symbolises the soul searching for light.

Lotus tattoo meaning: If open symbolises the sun, if closed, the moon.

Mermaid tattoo meaning: Temptation, seduction, materialism

Monkey tattoo meaning: Wisdom, knowledge, or evil powers.

Moon tattoo meaning: Varied rhythms of life.

Phoenix tattoo meaning: Rebirth

Reaper tattoo meaning: Death

Rose tattoo meaning: Fertility.

Scarab tattoo meaning: Strength and rebirth.

Skull tattoo meaning: Courage, Death.

Snake tattoo meaning: Temptation, knowledge and wisdom.

Spider tattoo meaning: Creativity.

SpiderWeb tattoo meaning: Denial of established order. Beware!

Star tattoo meaning: Spirit, inspiration, resolution of problems.

Sun tattoo meaning: Sacredness of life. Warmth, nurturing.

Sword tattoo meaning: Represents justice, honour, energy.

Tiger tattoo meaning: Fierceness, strength and power.


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The Difference between Supercross Racing and Motocross Racing

When it comes to off-road motorcycle racing, there are a number of different variations of the sport. Two of the most popular variations include supercross motorcycle racing and motocross motorcycle racing. To those unfamiliar with the world of off-road racing, it can be difficult to separate the two apart from each other. In fact, many, who are unfamiliar with the sport, tend to believe that they are the same thing. While motocross motorcycle racing and supercross motorcycle racing do have their similarities, they are two completely different sports.

Motocross motorcycle racing was first developed before supercross racing was ever heard of. Motocross racing events take place in outdoor venues. Their racing tracks vary in size, but many tend to be around one or two miles long. Due to the size of most motocross racing tracks, these events largely take place in rural or country locations. Motocross motorcycle racing is different than most other forms of motorcycle racing due to the fact that it has off-road track features. These features most commonly include jumps, corners, and other obstacles.

Although motocross racing events take place outdoors, the natural terrain isn�t always enough to create amazing courses. For that reason, motocross racing surfaces are a combination of natural terrain and man-made obstacles. These man-made obstacles are most commonly created by taking large amounts of dirt and molding it to create a unique, track surface. In addition to straight up racing, motocross is also known for the skill that is needed. To maneuver around the track, often with thirty or forty other racers, skill is needed. That skill combined with the excitement of racing is what makes motocross racing so popular and that is the reason why its popularity still exists today.

Although motocross motorcycle racing is still one of racing�s most popular sports, not everyone gets to enjoy it. This is largely due in part the location of most motocross racing events. As previously mentioned, most motocross events take place in the outdoors. Many cities and towns, across America, do not have the space for an outdoor motocross track; however, that does not mean that big city or big town residents do not have a love for the sport. It just means that it was difficult for most to watch a live event; that was until the development of supercross motorcycle racing.

Supercross motorcycle racing, although it is not the same as motocross racing, is a variation of the sport. It was created largely in part due to the fact that not all racing fans had access to their favorite off-road racing sport. Unlike motocross racing, supercross racing events take place in a large indoor stadium. These events commonly take place inside of indoor football stadiums and other similar sports centers. Although the racing is taking place indoors, it is still considered off-road racing, like motocross because man-made tracks are created.

The man-made tracks are used to create racing surfaces that are similar to those found in outdoor motocross racing events. The only difference is that the courses are smaller. For that reason, supercross motorcycle racing events are usually shorter. That shorter track allows them to have a limited number of drivers. Depending on the course and the preference of race promoters, many supercross races have only around twenty to twenty-five rides. Despite the fact that this number seems fairly small, it is important to remember that the size of indoor supercross tracks are relatively small, when compared to outdoor motocross tracks.

As you can easily see, there is a difference between supercross motorcycle racing and motocross motorcycle racing. It may not appear as if there is a difference, but once you take the time to fully research and understand each sport, you will learn that there is a difference, often more than one. Although the same equipment is used and even the goals are the same, there is a difference between the two. Essentially, these differences mean that exciting off-road racing can be enjoyed by all, even those who do not leave in rural country areas.


Word Count 674

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In other parts of the place, at the open gates of the theatres and hippodromes, in the unguarded porticoes of the palaces and the baths lay the discoloured bodies of those who had died ere they could reach the fountains — of women and children especially — surrounded in frightful contrast by the abandoned furniture of luxury and the discarded inventions of vice — by gilded couches — by inlaid tables — by jewelled cornices — by obscene picture and statues — by brilliantly framed, gaudily tinted manuscripts of licentious songs, still hanging at their accustomed places on the lofty marble walls. Farther on, in the by-streets and the retired courts, where the corpse of the tradesman was stretched on his empty counter; where the soldier of the city guard dropped down overpowered ere he reached the limit of his rounds; where the wealthy merchant lay pestilence-stricken upon the last hoards of repulsive food which his gold had procured; the assassin and the robber might be seen — now greedily devouring the offal that lay around them, now falling dead upon the bodies which they had rifled but the moment before.
Over the whole prospect, far and near, wherever it might extend, whatever the horrors by which it might be occupied, was spread a blank, supernatural stillness. Not a sound arose; the living were as silent as the dead; crime, suffering, despair, were all voiceless alike; the trumpet was unheard in the guard-house; the bell never rang from the church; even the thick, misty rain, that now descended from the black and unmoving clouds, and obscured in cold shadows the outlines of distant buildings and the pinnacle tops of mighty palaces, fell noiseless to the ground. The sky had no wind; the earth no echoes — the pervading desolation appalled the eye; the vast stillness weighed dull on the ear — it was a scene as of the last-left city of an exhausted world, decaying noiselessly into primeval chaos.
Through this atmosphere of darkness and death, along these paths of pestilence and famine; unregarding and unregarded, the Pagan and his prisoner passed slowly onward towards the quarter of the city opposite the Pincian Mount. No ray of thought, even yet, brightened the dull faculties of Ulpius; still he walked forward vacantly, and still he was followed wearily by the fast-failing girl.
Sunk in her mingled stupor of bodily weakness and mental despair, she never spoke, never raised her head, never looked forth on the one side or the other. She had now ceased even to feel the strong, cold grasp of the Pagan’s hand. Shadowy visions of spheres beyond the world, arrayed in enchanting beauty, and people with happy spirits in their old earthly forms, where a long deathless existence moved smoothly and dreamily onward, without mark of time or taint of woe, were opening before her mind. She lost all memory of afflictions and wrongs, all apprehension of danger from the madman at whose mercy she remained. And thus she still moved feebly onward as the will of Ulpius guided her, with no observation of her present peril, and no anxiety for her impending fate.


coach finding-podcast-hosting-492

Finding Podcast Hosting

For anyone who wants to begin creating a podcast,
podcast hosting is the most important part. Before
anyone can begin distributing a podcast, they need a
place to store the files and keep the feed file that will
tell their subscribers about the new episodes available.
The first thing required is a domain name where the site
will be located. Many domain registrars are available
who will help one register a domain name for a small
fee. Once the domain is registered, hosting is required,
and again there are many different companies willing to
do the hosting for a small fee. One of those is
bluehost.com, but many others are available. When
looking for a host, the most important thing is to make
sure that a lot bandwidth and storage space is available
and cheap. Since podcasting deals with large media
files, a lot of disk space will be taken up storing the
files and bandwidth will be eaten quickly when they are
downloaded by the subscribers.

After podcast hosting has been acquired, it needs to be
used and the site needs to be set up. The DNS addresses
of the site need to be set to the addresses that the host
provides you so that the servers that underlie the
internet will know where your site is. DNS addresses
can be set by going to the domain registrar that was
used to acquire the domain and inputting the addresses
provided by the host. After that is done, it will take a
few days before the master list the domain registar
updates will be shared throughout the internet and all
name servers know where to find your specific domain.
You can then go about setting up your own podcast.

Using the podcast hosting you now have, you will need
to look at the disk space allocated to the site using
something called and FTP browser. The host may
provide one as part of their hosting plan, but if not there
are many available free to choose from. Using the FTP
browser, log on to the host and upload a file called
dircaster.php after editing it to fit the specifics of the
site. Dircaster.php is an easy to find piece of coding that
generates a feed file by looking at the contents of its
directory or folder. The individual episodes to be
podcasted can then be uploaded to the same folder as
dircaster.php for cataloging. Make sure that all the meta
data, or information about the mp3 file is correct before
doing so.

The podcast hosting you now have will allow you to
distribute a podcast. It would be best to upload more to
the site, such as an index page that tells visitors about
the podcast and provides the address of the file
dircaster.php on your site. When they subscribe to that
file, the podcast client thy use will access it and recieve
information about the latest podcasts available.

(Word count 492)


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"Getting Started for a Cold Call"

There's a little Girl Scout on the street carrying boxes of different flavored cookies, timidly trying to knock on her neighbors' doors worried that somehow she'll be booed out and that doors would just slam shut on her face after offering her cookies for just a few cents? Such a pitiful sight eh?

But imagine what this little girl could be feeling even before approaching doors. Will they know that she is on official business and would just be selling cookies for the good of humanity? Will she be able to speak her rehearsed cookie scripts? Will she make her first order?

Little that we know that a lot of grown ups, even professional salesmen, experience anxiety the idea of making their own cold call. It抯 so normal to feel butterflies hitting big time up and down your belly, that just thinking of making the call (whether personal or business) would even want to make you throw up.

But, let me give you the exact explanation of what a cold call means. A cold call is a personal call, it can be a visit or phone call to someone you know a little or someone whom you really don't know. The main reason for the call is that you are selling something for personal or official business.

Others think that a cold call is only being made to total strangers, taken from phonebooks or referrals from other persons. On the contrary, this cold call can be made to someone you already know or to a prospect you're already familiar with. It can be someone you met last month at a party or maybe a friend introduced him to you before and you found him to be a good prospect to sell the product. But still, contacting someone you know breaks the ice for a moment. Try to narrow your prospects at first where you feel comfortable, once you've mastered the technique that's the time you can move on to a more challenging prospects you never even thought of approaching.

The ordeal that you have to go through first is making that personal, meaning one on one, physical appearance or telepresence. This can make you so tense that you feel like quitting everything. There are even cold calls that make you feel like you will disappear in a heartbeat.

Even professionals like doctors, lawyers and professors feel the same, which is why they depend on friends or clients' referrals for fear of losing their dignity and good name after making an unsuccessful cold call. One deep breath can help do the trick.

Nothing can be as uncomfortable as prospecting someone for your cold call. The fear of being shouted at or making a fool out of yourself, are roadblocks and keep you from selling. This can be overcome with the right attitude together with guarded planning, preparation and if possible - Training. Believe it or not, salesmanship is possible for everyone.

Take these simple tips on how to Cold Call

Always be Positive

Remember that cold calling is a powerful business strategy. First be positive with your self. Your co-workers and your prospects you're about to make the cold call should be next to feel positive about. There must be enthusiasm in your voice the people can feel right away.

Prepare to be Prepared

It's not enough to know the procedure and having the right attitude. Prepare the list of whom to be called or visited, how the introduction should be done, learn what prospects do and the most important part of all is that your offered product or service should be something that could be of good use for them. Being well prepared can turn a simple cold call into real business.

I am what I am

Never sound too over reactive or obviously nervous on the phone or when you shake your prospect's hand. Never try to be somebody you are really not with an aim to getting the attention you need. Assume that talking to your prospective customer for the first time should be the key to a lasting relationship.

Calm Down

Anticipate that you'll be declined. That's it. It's really hard but never take it as a personal attack on you. Don't let the feeling of being dismissed put you down and roll you back. Be patient and learn from your mistakes. You will reap a good harvest if you commit yourself to being persistent. This will also help you find a strategy that will work in the long run. Look at each turn down as if it were the next stepping stone.

The Art of Questioning

You cannot expect someone to believe you right away and just sign up after describing your company's objectives. You have to ask the right questions. Ask what they do correctly and promptly to help you use it along the conversation. A sure attention getter when opening a conversation can be "May I ask you about something Ms/Mr?" People want to help and this question lowers their guard. The next question will be "Can you help me out about this thing sir/ma'am?" This question does not ask for a yes or no answer but would definitely give you a valuable response that you can use all through out the interaction.

It's possible that the little Girl Scout on the street asked the same question and left the doorway with 2 less boxes of cookies at hand!


louis vuitoon Starting-Solid-Foods-441

Starting Solid Foods

Breast milk is all your baby will need until at
least 4 months of age. There does come a time,
when breast milk will no longer supply all of your
baby's nutrition needs. Full term babies will
start to require iron from other sources by 6 - 9
months of age.

Some babies that aren't started on solid foods by
the age of 9 - 12 months may have a great level of
difficulty accepting solid foods. It's actually
a developmental milestone when your child starts
solid foods - as he is now growing up.

When to start
The ideal time to begin solid foods is when the
baby shows interest in starting. Some babies
will show interest in solid food when it's on
their parents' plates, as early as 4 months of
age. By 5 - 6 months, most babies will reach out
and try to grab the food. When the baby starts to
reach for food, it's normally the time to go
ahead and give him some.

Sometimes, it may be a better idea to start food
earlier. When a baby seems to get hungry or once
weight gain isn't continuing at the desired rate,
it may be good to start solid foods as early as
3 months. It may be possible however, to continue
breast feeding alone and have the baby less
hungry or growing more rapidly.

Breast fed babies will digest solid foods better
and earlier than artificially fed babies because
the breast milk will contain enzymes which help
to digest fats, proteins, and starch. Breast
fed babies will also have had a variety of
different tastes in their life, since the flavors
of many foods the mother eats will pass into her

Introducing solid foods
When the baby begins to take solid foods at the
age of 5 - 6 months, there is very little difference
what he starts will or what order it is introduced.
You should however, avoid spicy foods or highly
allergenic foods at first, although if your
baby reaches for the potato on your plate, you
should let him have it if it isn't too hot.

Offer your baby the foods that he seems to be
interested in. Allow your baby to enjoy the food
and don't worry too much about how much he takes
at first, as much of it may end up on the floor
or in his hair anyhow.

The easiest way to get iron for your baby at 5 -
6 months of age is by giving him meat. Cereal for
infants has iron, although it is poorly absorbed
and may cause your baby to get constipated.

(word count 441)

PPPPP 相关的主题文章:

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Production of scotch

The production of Scotch whisky takes time, a lot of time. It is a tedious process that can take years. However when it is done correctly, the product is one worth waiting for.

Barley is placed in deep tanks of water for approximately three days. As the moisture increases it promotes the germination process. After the germination process, the barley is then moved to the malting segment of the distillery where it will go into drums sometimes known as the malting floor.

The entire purpose of the germination process is to convert the starch in the grains into fermentable sugars. This will feed the yeast in the fermentation stage. Turning the barley frequently ensures the temperature will remain consistent. Sheils, another name for a wooden shovel, are used to turn the grains, on a traditional malting floor. The grains will die if the temperature reaches above 22 degrees, and will the stop the entire process as the starch will not be converted to sugar.

The grain is then kilned as to halt the continuation of sugar consumption the kiln will dry up any moister. Generally a kiln is a building standing two stories in height with the top perforated to allow all heat to leave. The lower floor contains peat bricks that are heated. During this process the grain is dried and takes on that peat like reek. The pagoda style roof on a distillery is the most noticeable characteristic. The malt must not be heated above 70 degrees or it will surely be damaged and unusable.

Most of the distilleries in this day and age buy all their malt from a centralized malting company. However there are still a select few that remain traditional and do it all themselves.

The grain is milled into grist and combined with water in mash tubs to be heated to sixty degrees. During the mashing period the water is changed at least four times to remove sediment. The bi-product of this mashing is called wort. The wort must be cooled prior to mixing with yeast in what is called a wash back. This large container is never filled to the top as the wort froths a lot due to carbon dioxide. After two or three days all the yeast is killed by the alcohol. The end product of this cycle is called wash. It contains an alcohol percent of five to 8 percent.

The stills in which the wash is placed are made of copper and are regulated to a certain shape allowing for proper distillation to occur. The still method is usually ran twice yet some companies do three or more.

After all this is complete the brew is then placed in casks made of usually oak, for a period of eight to twelve years minimum.



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Appraising the Real Cost of Teeth Whitening

Whether you want to have a smile makeover for your prom night, or are just self-conscious since smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee have given you stained and yellow teeth, whitening remedies will surely brighten that smile and, hence, you can gain additional boost to your confidence. Learn some basic information about the nature of teeth whitening, categories of whitening methods and techniques, as well as teeth whitening costs of each method by reading the following selections.
What does tooth whitening mean?

Tooth whitening lies under the field of cosmetic dentistry. The process itself eliminates stains and other discolorations on the teeth due to tea, coffee, smoking, and other lifestyle-related activities. Additionally, whitening can also lighten other usual teeth pigmentations.

The extent of improvement of teeth appearance and success of the treatment depend on the nature and the severity of the stains and/or teeth discoloration. Typically stains due to tea, coffee, or smoking will brighten between four and five shades. Moreover, discolorations that are due to antibiotics and hereditary factors, that is natural pigmentation can lighten between two and three shades after whitening treatments.

Teeth whitening remedies can be categorized into two:

1. Professional whitening systems

This is usually performed by dentists using whitening gels and lasers to activate the solution. This is normally done inside a dental clinic.

2. Home-based teeth whitening remedy

This could either be done in-between appointments of professional treatments using whitening kits and tray-based whitening technique or are just home-made remedies from kitchen and medicine items. These applications are usually done at home and according to the frequency suggested by dentists and/or by a product�s instructions.

Regardless, teeth will noticeably be brighter after these teeth whitening methods. However, while there are a variety of over-the-counter whitening products and do-it-yourself or home-made whitening solutions, consulting a dentist and even a physician is the only way to validate the thousand and one claims of these remedies.

Aside from the available time and temperament of the patient, cost of teeth whitening treatments is also considered. Apparently, the cost of teeth whitening depends upon the type of teeth whitening method to be employed.

Costs of in-office dental whitening method usually lie between $ 500 and $ 2000. On the other hand, home-based bleaching trays that are customized by dentists may cost between $ 100 and $ 300. Using home-made solutions are often inexpensive. Paint whiteners such as Crest Night Effect and Colgate Simply White Night may cost for as low as $ 50 depending on the country to where these products are marketed.

Now ponder on these questions carefully, first, �To whiten or not to whiten?� then, �What are the common advantages and disadvantages of employing a whitening method?�

Nevertheless, any method applied on the surface of the teeth will surely result into brighter teeth, and hopefully a brighter smile. The length of time before the wanted results are achieved varies. Professional techniques are relatively immediate as compared to home-made remedies and over-the-counter whitening paints and kits.

However, peroxide-based gels used in the abovementioned methods of teeth whitening causes the teeth to become temporarily sensitive to cold and hot food, drinks, and even through exposure to air. Trays for whitening that are customized by dentists cause oversensitivity of the gums. Additionally, some of the whitening kits that are bought even without prescription may tear down and make the enamel of teeth thinner and thinner. This will expose the dentin, which may, in turn, be severely colored. These things, obviously, will add up to the cost of having that smile makeover.

Now come to think of it. Read again before you say, �Ahhhhh!�


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Do You Need An Air Purifier?

It is estimated that each year millions of Americans think about purchasing an air purifier for their home or their business. Are you one of those individuals? If so, have you purchased an air purifier yet? Unfortunately, a large number of individuals think about purchasing an air purifier, but not everyone ends up making that purchase. One of the reasons for that is because many individuals wonder whether or not they really need one.

When it comes to owning an air purifier, anyone can own one. You do not necessarily have to meet certain criteria to be able to benefit from the use of an air purifier. Honestly, you could just be someone who is looking to breathe clean air. If that is the case, you could definitely benefit from the purchase of an air purifier. Despite the fact that some individuals have no set reason for wanting or needing an air purifier, there are others who do. If you find yourself one of these individuals, as described below, you may want to seriously think about purchasing an air purifier for your home or your business.

Air purifiers work to clean the air. They do this by preventing harmful particles from passing through their collection grids or filters. These particles may even include dust particles. For that reason, if you have allergies associated with dust, you may very well find that an air purifier works to remove or completely eliminate your allergy symptoms. In turn, this may make your days and nights more pleasant and enjoyable.

In addition to reducing allergies associated with dust, air purifiers can also help those with allergies that are related pets. You will find that multiple air purifiers not only trap pet hair, but they also trap the air particles created by pet droppings. These dangerous particles are not only harmful to those who have allergies, but to everyone else who is in the home. In addition to eliminating particles created by pets in the home, you could also use an air purifier if you have a business that is centered on pets. These types of businesses include pet grooming shops and vet offices.

You may also want to think about purchasing an air purifier, especially if you have young children at home. Children tend to be more susceptible to illness. With cleaner air, your child�s health may improve by a ton. In addition to being used in traditional homes, you may also want to purchase an air purifier if you run or operate a daycare center. An air purifier may not only improve your health, but the health of all of your children. Essentially, this will make for happier and healthier children, which is extremely important when running a daycare business.

An air purifier may also be ideal for those who are smokers. Even if you are not a smoker, there may be someone inside your home who is. If this is the case, you will want to seriously consider purchasing an air purifier. Most air purifiers, especially those designed specifically for smoking households, may help to reduce secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is bad for everyone, but it is especially bad for children. Of course, you will want to try and not smoke around your children, but if you do, you will want to purchase an air purifier, if not for your own benefit then for the sake of your children.

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Paintball: A Sport for Everyone

Paintball is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. The good thing about paintball is that everyone or anyone can play. There are no special requirements needed. Players can partake of the thrill paintball brings, regardless of race, age, gender and social status. The only requirement is a competitive spirit and the desire for adventure.

Paintball combines the elements of two childhood games, tag and hide-and-seek. Given the nature of those two games, paintball is for people who want to experience the unique rush that participation sports gives, minus physical contact. The objective of paintball is to capture the flag of the opponent while protecting his or her own. At the same time, players aim to eliminate their opponent from the game by shooting them and marking them with paintballs coming from paint guns. There are almost no limitations when it comes to the number of players, the limitation will only stem from the size of the playing

The game can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life, whatever lifestyle or profession. There are no discriminations when it comes to paintball. It is a competition where the quickest and smartest survive. The chances of winning for each person are very fair, since old timers can find themselves being eliminated by neophytes. Men and women are equal in the game, and it is where the young do not necessarily have advantage over the old. To be an expert in paintball, a player must be able to think quickly, with precision. Victory is not at all dependent on strength and agility.

What can paintball bring to its players? Primarily, it builds character. Through paintball, one can garner skills on teamwork, leadership and self-confidence. The sport provides fun and relief from everyday stress, without the danger of injuries and death. This is a big plus for companies, and paintball is fast becoming a recommended activity for employees. Paintball gives the following benefits for the staff and management: morale boost, improved camaraderie, removal of the barrier between employer and employee, and enhanced group dynamics.

Paintball is available to everyone, and serves as an alternative activity for several events. Groups from college sororities, fraternities, athletic teams and company staff and management all grab at the chance of playing paintball. It is featured as a central theme during birthday bashes, bachelor parties, or just simple gatherings. It is an activity that everyone can truly enjoy.


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The nightlife in La Manga offers as much variety as you could possibly hope for. Mediterranean towns have a character all their own; La Manga and its surrounding towns are no different. The summer nightlife draws people from all over Spain. You can find just about any type of bar or restaurant you desire in La Manga, where everyone is catered to in their own special way. Whether you are young or old, there is a special place for you to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

For young 20-somethings, Cabo de Palos transforms from a quiet, small fishing town during the day to a happening, nighttime mixture of clubs with music to suit every mood. Combine the atmosphere of the lounges with the moonlit waters of the Mediterranean Sea and you will find yourself in your own paradise.

For older crowds and families, the resorts, restaurants and pubs offer many options. What's your pleasure? Is it international cuisine, British fare or spanish tapas? Whatever your choice, you can find it in La Manga. Many of the restaurants offer children's menus for those younger than 12 years old. Perhaps you are dreaming of a quiet and romantic dinner for two. Many hotels offer babysitting services if you would like some adult time out on the town. Some even offer childcare services right in your villa or hotel room.

For those in search of a new and exciting adventure, the nightlife will cast its spell. Warm breezes, softly rippling tides and pristine white beaches invite romance and intrigue. The seaside restaurants and clubs offer an exotic atmosphere to everyone who fancies a night out in La Manga.

The restaurants, pubs, piano bars and casinos vibrate with exciting entertainment. Some venues even offer live entertainment six nights a week and a variety of international foods for snacking. You can dance the night away in bars that offer all kinds of exotic and standard drinks. Many places stay open deep into the early morning hours and actually come to life the later it gets.

Do you want to taste traditional food and enjoy music from another country? German, English and Bohemian foods, drinks and themes are available for your enjoyment. In the summer, you can even spend the night at the markets, pubs and bars and welcome the new day's sunrise.

Even when vacationing in another country, some people just prefer calmer activities. La Manga has nighttime attractions to meet those needs. Some hotels offer casinos with typical games, such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat and slots. For something different, you may choose to visit one of three open-air cinemas, which offer different programs each night. Guests of all ages bring popcorn and plastic chairs and settle in for a night of entertainment. The only drawback is that the movies are generally in Spanish.

La Manga offers such a huge variety of culture, attractions and entertainment that you'll never be at a loss for something to do. These attributes pair with a gorgeous landscape of rolling hills and seaside beaches. You'll awake your first day here and realize that you have found paradise.


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How to maintain your condition:
Doctors recommend that patients diagnosed with SLE stops smoking. In addition, intervals of bed rest are recommended. Of course, you should visit your doctor frequently and learn more about your condition. Your doctor will study your condition, as well as monitor its symptoms. You want to keep an eye out for infections. If you notice swelling, pain, or related symptoms you should notify your doctor immediately.

SLE is a bone condition that causes back pain. Since pain starts in one area of the body, it may travel to other locations. Try to take notes at each area where you experience pain and let your doctor know. Keeping informed is essential in treating your condition, as well when your doctor is informed he/she can also learn new steps to minimize your pain.

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San Diego Whale Watching

It's no secret to anyone that the coast of San Diego
is the ideal place to watch the annual migration of
the gray whale. Looked upon as one of nature's ultimate
spectacles; the migration of gray whales is nothing
short of breathtaking. The coastline of San Diego is
one of their migratory points as they travel from the
waters of the Arctic to the warmer regions of the Baja
(California), where females also give birth.

Every year, roughly 26,000 gray whales will make the
long journey of 10,000+ miles from the Arctic to the Baja
and back. If you look at this journey and compare it to
any other mammal, you'll notice that the gray whale by
far has the greatest amount of traveling at hand.

If you've never experienced whale watching, you'll be
happy to know that anyone will find it memorable - young
or old. Spotting a gray whale along the coastline is
something that is truly a memorable moment, making you
stop for a second and truly appreciate these awesome

If you ask the Birch Aquarium in San Diego, you'll find
that gray whales are seen most frequently from December
through March. While they travel in dozens normally,
it's nothing to see pods of them (2 - 3) as they travel
during migration. Throughout the coast of San Diego,
you can easily spot these whales as they are somewhat
slow swimmers.

During their swimming, they will normally dive to a depth
of 100 feet or more for a few minutes, then surface and
blow. Then, they will do a few shallow dives, before
making that deep dive again. When watching whales, figuring
out this pattern makes the success of watching them all
the more fun and exciting.

While there are many common places to watch whales,
nothing seems to compare to the excitement of watching them
from aboard a cruise. There are many cruises that take
place in San Diego, many of which offer unbeatable deals.
From H&M Landing to the Birch Aquarium, cruises are some of
the best ways to see the beauty and tranquility of the
traveling gray whales.

The beauty of the gray whales can also be seen from many
points of the San Diego coast, including the Cabrillo
National Monument on Point Loma or the cliffs of Torrey Pines
State Beach. Along these points, you can see the whales as
they make their travels.

Whether it's a cruise or just watching from the coast, whale
watching in San Diego is something you truly have to see to
appreciate. You can take your kids, family, or even your
friends. Whale watching can definately be exciting, all you
have to do is plan your day and enjoy everything that the
beauty of the gray whale will provide you with.

(word count 465)

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How to Choose an Overseas Shipping and Moving Company

When moving overseas, one of the main concerns of people is always their possessions. There is, of course, the usual question of what to take with them. People wish that they could take every bit of their possessions but they all know that it is just not possible. And so, they decide which possessions they cant part with. There is also the decision as to which overseas shipping and moving company to contact for help.

Help? Who said anything about help? Oh, come on. We all know that moving overseas is not an easy task. You can抰 really expect to be able to do it all by yourself, do you? By getting help from an overseas shipping and moving company, you can make the trip easier for you. However, you should realize the fact that there are a lot of different overseas shipping and moving companies out there and they all claim to be the best. This means that deciding can be a pretty tough job.

So how do you know which overseas shipping and moving company to go to?

1) Cost � You could try to choose an overseas shipping and moving company that offers the lowest rates. This way, you can make sure to save a lot of cash. How do you find out which overseas shipping and moving company offers the lowest rates? Through the internet, of course! A lot of websites can offer you rate quotes of various overseas shipping and moving companies and you can easily use these to compare them. Knowing what affects the cost of shipping can also help you choose the best company for you.

If you want to go for cost, try to find an overseas shipping and moving company that has a base of operations in your destination. This would definitely help lower the costs of freight.

2) Shipping conditions � You could also go with the overseas shipping and moving company which offers you the best shipping conditions for your possessions. In this case, you should find an overseas shipping and moving company which offers you customized shipping for your stuff. Some overseas shipping and moving companies separate your possessions into various categories and ship them according to the best conditions they can provide. This is done in order to prevent any damage to your possessions.

Of course, this service can cost you some cash. But if your possessions are important to you, then you this overseas moving and shipping service will be worth the sacrifice.

3) Speed � Some people opt for speed when they are choosing an overseas shipping and moving company. This is because some people only have a short time to get settled into a place before they have to face the world again. Some overseas shipping and moving company may be able to deliver your possessions the same day that you arrive. However, it is advisable that you get the services of an overseas shipping and moving company which would deliver your stuff even before you arrive. This way, you won抰 arrive finding an empty house.

Finding the right overseas shipping and moving company might seem a bit complicated. Some people take a long time to decide which overseas shipping and moving company to go with. By following these tips, however, you can find the overseas shipping and moving company you want in a flash.