
LV Outlet The Secret History Of Aklan - Part I_28989

There is a history unwritten by men ?.


It is whispered in rumour and dark shadows that there existed a kingdom which was lost. Some call this lost kingdom Atlantis and seek it beneath the oceans; this is to lose oneself in an artifical smokescreen. Facts from this time are hard to come by, the ravages of men have all but destroyed what evidence there was. What seems certain, as recorded in the hidden writings of Hakvan, (the dusty old Hakvan Trilogy is long since gone, destroyed by pious men) is that our history is not what it seems. History is recorded by jealous men and tempered to their own beliefs, the facts hidden, buried and burned, leaving only the smoke of rumour. Thus the history contained herein has been gathered, piece by bloody piece, through years of dusty travel and endless searching through ruined parchments written in long forgotten tongues and in some of the worlds lost corners. To share this story is to put oneself at great risk, speak not of the secrets you are about to know. Be warned, blood has been shed.


Many years ago in the East, the kingdom of Aklan ranged from the foothills of the great snowy mountains to the ocean. Little is known of Aklan, records are sparse and those that remain are guarded with an almost obsessive fervour. From what we can glean it seems that Aklan was a fine and prosperous kingdom. In the North the great Lords of the Aklan Kehan ruled over a contented population and the fierce tribes of the seven provinces lived in an uneasy truce, ruled with a a benevolent but iron fist from the great capital Aklan Kosh, where the Aklan Lords of the North lived in their great temples of stone.

In the hot and dusty South, from the great plains of Aklan itself to the languid ocean, the Aklan Dohan ruled over a contented people grown strong and healthy from the bountiful land. Farming and industry were highly advanced and it was here that in the east the sciences of crop rotation and the forging of hard metal weapons were created.

The Aklan Dohan was formed of a council of elders headed by the powerful lord, Aklan Markham, who is said to have been of direct descent from the Aklan* themselves. The Aklan Dohan was the powerbase of Aklan, its influence and rule covered the kingdom. It was also the seat of the Vanakana.

The kingdom of Aklan is said to have been held together by an artifact, The Vanakana, unseen and unknown, in this the records are scant indeed. The artifact is said to be have been housed within a crystal, caged within by the ancient Aklan, some say that the Vanakana, is pure blue light. Whatever; the real source of the Vanakana is unknown. Mythology has it that the Aklan princes came upon the Vanakana and stole it from the gods, housed it in crystal and sealed it with the power of the ancient Aklan. Others, including Hakvan, claim that the Vanakana was nothing more than a symbolic jewel, grand and stately certainly, but nothing more than a crystal. Whatever the truth, the Vanakana seems embroiled in the fate of the land.

The kingdom of Aklan has been all but erased from modern history, we now understand why. Irrefutable scientific evidence gathered from ancient records and from archaeological finds can explain both the fall of Aklan and the apparent disappearance of this mighty kingdom from the history of men. I, Aklan Kapok can now reveal the most Earth Shattering and Incredible Revelation in modern history.

You can get the rest of the history of Aklan at Monkeyism.com


