
  He returned to James River September 7th

  He returned to James River September 7th. Many had died, some weresick, Ratcliffe,Replica Designer Handbags, the late President, was a prisoner for mutiny,Master Scrivener had diligently gathered the harvest, but much of theprovisions had been spoiled by rain. Thus the summer was consumed,and nothing had been accomplished except Smith's discovery.
Chapter 11 Smith's Presidency And Prowess
On the 10th of September, by the election of the Council and therequest of the company, Captain Smith received the letters-patent,and became President. He stopped the building of Ratcliffe's"palace,http://www.louisvuitton360.com/," repaired the church and the storehouse, got ready thebuildings for the supply expected from England, reduced the fort to a"five square form," set and trained the watch and exercised thecompany every Saturday on a plain called Smithfield, to the amazementof the on-looking Indians.
  Captain Newport arrived with a new supply of seventy persons. Amongthem were Captain Francis West, brother to Lord Delaware, CaptainPeter Winne, and Captain Peter Waldo, appointed on the Council, eightDutchmen and Poles, and Mistress Forest and Anne Burrows her maid,the first white women in the colony.
  Smith did not relish the arrival of Captain Newport nor theinstructions under which he returned. He came back commanded todiscover the country of Monacan (above the Falls) and to perform theceremony of coronation on the Emperor Powhatan,fake uggs boots.
  How Newport got this private commission when he had returned toEngland without a lump of gold, nor any certainty of the South Sea,or one of the lost company sent out by Raleigh; and why he brought a"fine peeced barge" which must be carried over unknown mountainsbefore it reached the South Sea, he could not understand. "As forthe coronation of Powhatan and his presents of basin and ewer,fake uggs, bed,bedding, clothes, and such costly novelties, they had been muchbetter well spared than so ill spent, for we had his favor and betterfor a plain piece of copper, till this stately kind of solicitingmade him so much overvalue himself that he respected us as much asnothing at all." Smith evidently understood the situation muchbetter than the promoters in England; and we can quite excuse him inhis rage over the foolishness and greed of most of his companions.
  There was little nonsense about Smith in action, though he need notturn his hand on any man of that age as a boaster.
  To send out Poles and Dutchmen to make pitch, tar, and glass wouldhave been well enough if the colony had been firmly established andsupplied with necessaries; and they might have sent two hundredcolonists instead of seventy, if they had ordered them to go to workcollecting provisions of the Indians for the winter, instead ofattempting this strange discovery of the South Sea, and wasting theirtime on a more strange coronation. "Now was there no way," asksSmith, "to make us miserable," but by direction from England toperform this discovery and coronation, "to take that time, spend whatvictuals we had, tire and starve our men, having no means to carryvictuals, ammunition, the hurt or the sick, but on their own backs?"Smith seems to have protested against all this nonsense, but thoughhe was governor, the Council overruled him. Captain Newport decidedto take one hundred and twenty men, fearing to go with a less numberand journey to Werowocomoco to crown Powhatan. In order to save timeSmith offered to take a message to Powhatan, and induce him to cometo Jamestown and receive the honor and the presents. Accompanied byonly four men he crossed by land to Werowocomoco, passed thePamaunkee (York) River in a canoe, and sent for Powhatan, who wasthirty miles off. Meantime Pocahontas, who by his own account was amere child, and her women entertained Smith in the following manner:

