
  The Salvages having drawne from George Cassen whether Captaine Smithwas gone

  "The Salvages having drawne from George Cassen whether Captaine Smithwas gone, prosecuting that opportunity they followed him with 300bowmen,nike shox torch ii, conducted by the King of Pamaunkee, who in divisionssearching the turnings of the river, found Robinson and Entry by thefireside, those they shot full of arrowes and slew. Then finding theCaptaine as is said, that used the Salvage that was his guide as hisshield (three of them being slaine and divers others so gauld) allthe rest would not come neere him. Thinking thus to have returned tohis boat, regarding them, as he marched, more then his way, slippedup to the middle in an oasie creeke and his Salvage with him, yetdurst they not come to him till being neere dead with cold, he threwaway his armes. Then according to their composition they drew himforth and led him to the fire,mont blanc pens, where his men were slaine. Diligentlythey chafed his benumbed limbs. He demanding for their Captaine,they shewed him Opechankanough, King of Pamaunkee, to whom he gave around Ivory double compass Dyall. Much they marvailed at the playingof the Fly and Needle, which they could see so plainly, and yet nottouch it, because of the glass that covered them. But when hedemonstrated by that Globe-like Jewell, the roundnesse of the earthand skies, the spheare of the Sunne, Moone, and Starres, and how theSunne did chase the night round about the world continually: thegreatnesse of the Land and Sea, the diversitie of Nations, varietieof Complexions, and how we were to them Antipodes, and many othersuch like matters, they all stood as amazed with admiration.
  Notwithstanding within an houre after they tyed him to a tree, and asmany as could stand about him prepared to shoot him, but the Kingholding up the Compass in his hand, they all laid downe their Bowesand Arrowes, and in a triumphant manner led him to Orapaks, where hewas after their manner kindly feasted and well used.
  "Their order in conducting him was thus: Drawing themselves all infyle, the King in the middest had all their Peeces and Swords bornebefore him. Captaine Smith was led after him by three greatSalvages, holding him fast by each arme: and on each side six went infyle with their arrowes nocked. But arriving at the Towne (which wasbut onely thirtie or fortie hunting houses made of Mats, which theyremove as they please, as we our tents) all the women and childrenstaring to behold him, the souldiers first all in file performe theforme of a Bissom so well as could be: and on each flanke, officersas Serieants to see them keepe their orders. A good time theycontinued this exercise, and then cast themselves in a ring,louis vuitton australia, dauncingin such severall Postures, and singing and yelling out such hellishnotes and screeches: being strangely painted, every one his quiver ofarrowes, and at his backe a club: on his arme a Fox or an Ottersskinne, or some such matter for his vambrace: their heads andshoulders painted red, with oyle and Pocones mingled together, whichScarlet like colour made an exceeding handsome shew, his Bow in hishand, and the skinne of a Bird with her wings abroad dryed, tyed onhis head, a peece of copper, a white shell, a long feather, with asmall rattle growing at the tayles of their snaks tyed to it, or somesuch like toy. All this time Smith and the King stood in the middestguarded,Discount UGG Boots, as before is said, and after three dances they all departed.

